
ICO Cryptocurrency Reviews Aggregation Platform


As a co-founder of Basescore, the goal was to create an innovative ICO Reviews & Research Platform that aggregates review scores and research from leading critics. Our platform provides users with a singular, weighted Base Score, effectively establishing us as the "Metacritic of ICOs."

Cryptocurrency Pain Points

During the cryptocurrency "gold rush" of 2018-2019, Basescore emerged as a solution to address the prevailing issues of lack of transparency, dishonest marketing, and the absence of regulation in the industry.

Our founding goal with Basescore was to establish a comprehensive ICO database, offering reliable insights for investors navigating the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape. By leveraging the expertise of leading critics and aggregating their review scores and information from platforms like Reddit, Coinmarketcap, Binance, and ICObench, we formulated a singular, unbiased, and weighted Base Score. This innovative approach empowered investors with the clarity and confidence necessary to make well-informed decisions amidst the challenges and uncertainties of the cryptocurrency market.

Building the Solution

As the product manager of Basescore, I conducted two weeks of market validation research to gather insights from industry professionals, investors, and the cryptocurrency community. Using surveys and posing as a university student conducting research on ICOs, I engaged with popular cryptocurrency subreddits and forums, receiving over 100 responses.

Additionally, I spoke with ICO teams and investors to validate the demand and understand user expectations for an ICO review site. This valuable feedback guided the development of Basescore, ensuring its relevance and potential for success in the cryptocurrency market.

Developing the MVP

Armed with market knowledge, I analyzed existing ICO review sites to identify key data points for our Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Leveraging as a benchmark, we examined the most visited ICO review sites and documented the common information they provided. This data was then cross-referenced with insights gathered during market validation, informing our next steps in developing Basescore.

Building Branding

The Basescore logo evolved through iterations, incorporating inspiration from "bars," "scores," and "ratings." This final design represents the platform's focus on scores, ratings, and reviews, which form the basis of its branding, color scheme, and ICO layout. Basescore embraces these elements to promote transparency and informed decision-making.


Branding Guideline

Building the Prototype

Sample ICO Page

Backend Architecture

Website Prototype

ICO Database

Market Validation

Basescore overcame challenges to launch in September '18, embarking on an exciting journey. Leveraging market validation contacts, the platform initiated a soft launch, focusing on consistent communication through social media channels, forums, and subreddits. Positive community feedback has fueled enthusiasm for Basescore, with plans for a comprehensive marketing campaign in the future. The team remains dedicated to establishing Basescore as the leading global ICO database, shaping the evolving market.

